
In the beginning...

There were two lesbians both of stunning latent athletic ability. One followed the route of iron and now deadlifts 210 lbs, the other decided to find out just how far a girl could go without stopping on her bike. And so was born this blog, a testimony to the few, but significant, number of females in the sport of Randonneuring. Maybe it was the whole French thing (I do have a degree in French Literature) and I was just desperate for a really good reason to go back to France. Maybe it was because I despise competition with anyone other than oneself. Maybe it was because I really like pain.

Having just finished my very first season of randonneuring by finishing the Super Randonneur series of 200K, 300K, 400K and 600K rides. I now set my next goal on the Cascades 1200 next June. 770 miles long with 40,000 feet of climbing in 93 hours seems like a great idea. So this blog will detail how I intend to get to the finish line.

Also, there will be continuing updates on the additional saga of my quest to get the weightlifter onto the back of a tandem.
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